
Showing posts from December, 2018


Good day everyone! Here, I'm sharing with you the outcome from my team and I's project for Aircraft Subsystem Element class. My team was assigned a task to review the landing gear systems of air transport. The landing gear is one of the critical subsystems of an aircraft or helicopter. It is the undercarriage of an aircraft or spacecraft and may be used for either takeoff or landing. The need to design landing gear with minimum weight, minimum volume, high performance, improve life, and reduced life cycle cost have posed many challenges to landing gear designers and practitioners. For aircraft, the landing gear supports the craft when it is not flying, allowing it to take off, land, and taxi without damage. Wheels are typically used but skids, skis, floats or a combination of these and other elements can be deployed depending both on the surface and on whether the craft only operates vertically (VTOL) or is able to taxi along the surface. Faster aircraft usually have retractabl...

Review of Technologies to Achieve Sustainable (Green) Aviation

In the next few decades, air travel is forecast to experience the most expeditious relative  growth among all modes of transportation, especially due to many-fold increase in demand  in major developing nations of Asia and Africa. Like any other form of public mass transport  that relies on finite planetary resources, aviation cannot be considered sustainable in the  very long term. Because of the finite nature of the resources upon which aviation relies, it is  more realistic in the medium term to think how best to improve the sustainability of air  transport rather than it achieving sustainable development. Demand for air transport is continually growing and, if this demand is to be met with all the  attendant benefits, society must also accept the costs - noise, pollution, climate change,  risk, resource use etc. Whilst it is not possible to make aviation sustainable in the very long  term, much can be and is being done to improve aviation...