
Showing posts from May, 2019


For Aerodynamic class, my team and I was assigned a project to build a glider and analyze its performances. In this project, a glider was designed and built based on the knowledge of aerodynamics to fulfil the requirements of furthest distance and longest flight time. The design was determined based on the performance characteristics of the glider. The aspect ratio, lift coefficient, drag coefficient and other related calculations must be done. Furthermore, the type of wing used, fuselage design, tail design and materials used were taken into consideration in the fabrication process of the glider. Performance of glider was discussed by referring to the flight test results and ways of improvement were suggested. Glider project provides a platform for students to apply knowledge learnt in course ESA 244 Aerodynamics in fabricating a real hand launch glider. It lets students have the chance to work as a team with different genders and races among members. This project helps students to th...