
Showing posts from September, 2019

9 English Confusing Words

1. Bear vs Bare Bear : (of a person) carry/support (carry the weight of)             "he was bearing a tray of brimming glasses" Bare : (of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered/without the appropriate, usual, or  natural covering.             "he was bare from the waist up" Bare (adverb): very; really (used as an intensifier).              "you are bare lazy" 2. Lose vs Loose Lose : be deprived of or cease to have or retain (something).             "I've lost my appetite"            fail to win (a game or contest).            "England lost the first Test match"            become unable to find (something or someone).            "I've lost the car keys" Loose : not firmly or tightly fixed in place; detached or able to be detached.             "a loose tooth"            not strict or exact.            "a loose interpretation"  Loose (verb) : set free; release.             "the hou