GOES-17 (in the past GOES-S) is the second of the momentum age of climate satellites worked by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The four satellites of the arrangement (GOES-16, - 17, - T, and - U) will broaden the accessibility of the GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite framework) until 2036 for climate gauge and meteorology inquire about. The satellite was working with Lockheed Martin, depended on the A2100A stage, and will have a normal valuable existence of 15 years (10 years operational following five years of the reserve as an on-circle substitution). GOES-17 is planned to convey high-goals unmistakable and infrared symbolism and lightning perceptions of the greater part of the globe. 

The satellite was propelled on 1 March 2018 and arrived at the geostationary orbit on 12 March 2018. In May 2018, during the satellite's trying stage after dispatch, an issue was found with its essential instrument, the Advanced Baseline Imager. GOES-17 got operational as GOES-West on 12 February 2019. GOES-17 is working closely by GOES-15 however, is planned to completely supplant it after December 2019. 

The satellite was propelled into space on 1 March 2018 by an Atlas V (541) vehicle from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. It had a dispatch mass of 5,192 kg (11,446 lb). On 12 March, GOES-17 joined GOES-16 (propelled in 2016) in a geosynchronous circle at 22,200 mi (35,700 km) above Earth. 

NOAA expects to progress GOES-17 to operational status at the GOES-West position in mid-February
2019, later than the initially planned September 2018. The satellite is relied upon to give quicker, increasingly exact, and progressively nitty-gritty perceptions utilized by NOAA forecasters to foresee ecological perils. On 24 October 2018, the satellite started a 20-day, 2.5°/day westbound float move from its checkout position of 89.5° west longitude to its operational situation of 137.2° west.

During the float move, all instruments with the exception of the magnetometer were crippled. In the meantime, GOES-15 started an eastbound float move on 29 October 2018 to 128° west, with the entirety of its sensors as yet working. It arrived at its new area on 7 November 2018. GOES-15's float is proposed to give extra detachment from GOES-17 to avoid correspondence obstruction. GOES-17 arrived at its allotted longitude 13 November 2018 and started extra testing. GOES-17 was proclaimed operational on 12 February 2019. Both GOES-17 and GOES-15 are wanted to work pair through December 2019 to permit evaluation of GOES-17's presentation as GOES-West. 

NOAA's GOES-R arrangement of satellites is intended to improve the conjectures of climate, sea, and condition by giving quicker and increasingly itemized information, ongoing pictures of lightning, and propelled checking of sunlight based exercises and space climate. GOES-17 can gather multiple times more information on multiple time picture goals, and sweep the planet multiple times quicker than past tests. 

GOES-17 has indistinguishable instruments and abilities from GOES-16 (right now filling in as GOES-East) and will supplement its work by examining an alternate region of the world. GOES-17 will become GOES-West when it moves to 137.2° west longitude and spread the west bank of the mainland US, Alaska, Hawaii, and a significant part of the Pacific Ocean. These two satellites are relied upon to screen the greater part of the Western Hemisphere and distinguish regular marvels and perils in practically ongoing.  

Its abilities will permit better: 
  • Fire track and intensity estimation
  • Detection of low cloud/fog
  • Tropical cyclone track and intensity forecasts
  • Monitoring of smoke and dust
  • Air quality warnings and alerts
  • Transportation safety and aviation route planning
  • Advanced monitoring of atmospheric river events that can be the reason for flooding and mudslides 

Along with GOES-16, these newly advanced satellites can provide near-real-time updates on what is happening in the atmosphere across the United States. 

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